Posts tagged ‘Asher PR Tips of the Trade’
- 74.4.10Steve Baskin to Rock the Red Light Cafe
- 23.27.10World-Class Monologuist Mike Daisey
- 13.22.10Pilobolus Dance Company
Performs at Ferst Center March 25 - 03.20.10‘The Sunset Limited’ at Theatrical Outfit
- 03.17.10‘Fiddler on the Roof’ at Cobb Centre
- 03.12.10‘Spring Awakening’ Rocks!
- 03.9.10Brad Sherrill Performs
‘The Gospel of John’ and ‘The Prophet’ - 03.2.10Craig Taubman and Alberto Mizrahi
Perform at AA Synagogue Sunday - 13.1.10Melanie Massell Swings
With Joe Gransden’s Big Band Tonight! - 122.28.10Free Tickets to Tony-nominated
‘A Catered Affair’