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‘Disgraced’ at the Alliance Theatre

2016 February 9

“Disgraced,” the Pulitzer Prize-winning play now at the Alliance Theatre, is like a keg of dynamite. Full of drama and a cast of five dynamic actors, it looks at prejudice as two married couples — a Jewish man and a black woman, and a Muslim man and a white woman– get together for dinner. Playwright Ayad Akhtar delves into prejudice without being didactic, while presenting intense Mamet-like characters who love, taunt and betray one another. The play whips by in about 95 minutes and is nothing less than outstanding.

Directed by Susan V. Booth, “Disgraced” runs through Feb. 14 on the main stage at the Alliance Theatre.

Andrew Benator . . . . . . . . . . . Isaac
Andrew Ramcharan Guilarte . . . . . . Amir
Tinashe Kajese-Bolden . . . . . . . . Jory
Courtney Patterson . . . . . . . . . . Emily
Ali Sohaili . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abe

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